About last B-Day

My 40th Birthday moments were/are a mixed bag of feelings.

I am surely thrilled to be alive still and grateful for the time spent here. These four little decades have been action-packed, to say the absolute least. I have learned so much. I have relearned even more and still, am learning over and over again that I have not learned nearly enough. Got it?

But I am absolutely sure of these things:
  • I am a light.
    • Each and every one of us are, but it takes some of us a bit of time to really get that. I got it.

  • I’m just a soul who’s intentions are good, (Oh Lord please don’t let me be misunderstood)
    • Okay, that’s a song lyric, but appropriate. I never mean harm, no matter the harmful outcomes sometimes. I know that I can sometimes be misunderstood. But stay awhile, you’ll get me.

  • I care deeply about many many things.
    • I want everyone to eat. I want everyone to know about self-redemption, no matter what. I want girls to love themselves on a deep permanent level. I want help to appear for anyone who needs it. I care about everyone I know, annoying, broken, irritating, mean, hateful, doesn’t matter, I care.

  • I carry unique gifts, installed at birth. 
    I understand my life’s mission even if I don’t manage to act on its behalf every single day.
So, here’s to some more life.


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