Another cloudy chilly day and still I am grateful for a bunch of random things:
  1. Mornings when I wake up (so far, its happened every day of my life). Love the whole possibility of being better than yesterday. Hope you woke up today too!
  2. Yummy food.  Had some tasty sushi foods last night. When one can tempura veggies and make you want more, one is talented indeed.
  3. 2nd chances. Okay, 7th chances.  Sometimes its just needed.
  4. Good coffee, hot chocolate and great tea too.
  5. Growth causing conversations.
  6. Cleverness and resilience (I've been makin a dollar outta fifteen cents for a minute now).
  7. Clarity
  8. My warm soft fuzzy blanket given to me as a gift. One of my favorites...
  9. My Macbook
  10. Music
  11. My friends. (They are AMAZING people and have added so much to my little life.)
  12. Intimacy. 
So, I don't want to be bossy, but maybe you might wanna make a little list of some things that fill you with a sense of gratitude. Maybe it will make your day a bit better....


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