My Birthday Thoughts

Seems I've been gifted yet another birthday.
They sure do keep coming.
I love em! As I do most gifts...
And I'm happy to report that this could have been the best year ever!

I mean, there were tears.
GOOD GRIEF there were tears!
There were disappointments.
Minor and major.
But I'm feeling satisfied.
I took care of myself,
Stood up for myself,
Spoiled myself with a new car and other yummy things money buys.

Speaking of money, made more of it than years before.
And THAT, is a grand success.

I've made decisions that pissed a couple folks off, but I had to do it for me.
Has that ever happened to you?
You've got to make a decision to either not be happy but everyone else will be, or be happy, follow apparent destiny and risk getting screw face (a face in which displays displeasure at your actions) from people around you?
Yes, there are screwfaces in my periphery. 
But there is grand joy in front of me.

It's been a good year.
Not mad at where I've been,
grateful of where I am,
love where I'm going,
and simply LOVE LOVE LOVE the folks who've chosen to ride alongside me on this road of mine.....

another year ~ come and gone ~ this road of mine goes on and on...


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