I Just Wanna Mop The Floor!!!

I want to mop the floor. Really. I do. I love mopping floors. Looking down at a perfectly sparkling clean floor brings me a Zen-like peace. It sorta tells me that all is well when the floor is clean. Life is better without dust bu nnies haunting and taunting me. But I haven’t been able to mop the floor. It’s impossible right now. So is cooking a meal, washing my hair, or getting into my car and running over t o the local CVS. Yes, I consider it fun times browsing a fully stocked pharmacy like CVS and Walgreens. Don’t ask me why, it just is. I cannot do these things because the other morning, while I was minding my usual business of procrastinating, the world started to spin and wouldn’t stop. I mean the entire planet went topsy-turvy in my head and would not stop. Naturally such turbulence caused great nausea, in turn causing an exorcist-like expelling of everything the ancestors and I have ever eaten all over my pretty home, including my happy-maki...