I've got Nothing
So, I've got some free time. I mean really free. I am sitting in a quiet space, with nothing to do, and free time to do it. It's a good time to write a post, I think. So, I turned on my computer to write a wonderfully profound, life-altering, meaningful post. But I've got nothing. You already know to live your life fully. You've got that for sure. You already know to love the ones your with today, cause tomorrow, well you know.... You already know to think positive thoughts instead of negative thoughts, surely. You already know all the wonders of me, since you've read previous posts. So, yeah, I've got nothing. I am going to turn this thing off and go and look at the company I am keeping today. I'm going to look at them and enjoy the quirky little things that make them them. I'm gonna laugh with the little giggly girl, tell the man making awesome burgers that they are terrific indeed. I'm gonna tell this one over to my left (I mean ri...